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Payment Info

Registration & Tuition



  • $45.00 per Student
  • $60.00 per Family
    (Non-refundable and non-transferable)


Yearly tuition is divided into nine (9) equal monthly installments from September 2024 through May 2025. Tuition is based on the total number of hours danced per week.Tuition remains the same each month, even though some months hold more or fewer classes than others.Missed classes due to illness or injury are subject to payment contact the office for makeup class options. We do not offer siblings discounts. All accounts must be current to receive recital costumes.


All are required to have a valid credit or debit card on file. If a card expires or becomes invalid, you will be notified via email and have 10 days to update the payment information. Failure to update the payment details will result in a $35 late fee. Returned checks are also subject to a $35 fee.


1.Auto- Pay:

To ensure payments are received on time, all accounts are required to have a credit or debit card on file.

  • Automatic Charges: Your card on file (COF) will be charged on the 1st day of each month.
  • Accepted Payment Methods: Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or AMEX

2. Self Pay:

  • Payments can be made by cash, check, or credit card by the 1st of each month.
  • An 8-day grace period is provided. If payment is not received by the 8th, your card or bank account on file will be processed.
  • If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, payments should be submitted before the 1st. Please date checks for the 1st.


  • Withdrawal Policy: If a student withdraws from the studio, a 30-day written notice is required. Tuition for those 30 days will be charged. Until a written notice is received, the student is considered enrolled, and tuition must be paid.
  • Contract Agreement: The entire tuition for the season is expected to be paid as per the contract signed at registration.
  • Unpaid Balances: Jo Ann Warren Studio reserves the right to prohibit students from attending classes if there is an unpaid tuition balance. Unpaid bills may be sent to a collection agency.


Monthly Tuition Rates

2024-2025 Tuition Rates

Hours Monthly Tuition Yearly Tuition
0.45 hrs (27 min) $72 $648
0.5 hrs $62 $558
1.0 hrs $80 $720
1.15 hrs $90 $810
1.5 hrs $100 $900
1.45 hrs $115 $1,035
2.0 hrs $130 $1,170
2.15 hrs $140 $1,260
2.5 hrs $150 $1,350
2.45 hrs $160 $1,440
3.0 hrs $165 $1,485
3.15 hrs $172 $1,548
3.5 hrs $180 $1,620
3.45 hrs $190 $1,710
4.0 hrs $200 $1,800
4.15 hrs $215 $1,935
4.5 hrs $225 $2,025
4.45 hrs $230 $2,070
5.0 hrs $240 $2,160
5.15 hrs $250 $2,250
5.5 hrs $260 $2,340
5.45 hrs $265 $2,385
6.0 hrs $270 $2,430
6.15 hrs $275 $2,475
6.5 hrs $280 $2,520
6.45 hrs $285 $2,565
7.0 hrs $292 $2,628
7.15 hrs $300 $2,700
7.5 hrs $310 $2,790
7.45 hrs $315 $2,835
8.0 hrs $325 $2,925
8.15 hrs $300 $2,700
8.5 hrs $335 $3,015
8.45 hrs $342 $3,078
9.0 hrs $350 $3,150
9.15 hrs $360 $3,240
9.5 hrs $365 $3,285
9.45 hrs $370 $3,330
10.0 hrs $375 $3,375